Thursday, July 14, 2005

On July 14, 1870
Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O., wrote to his old friend Maria Giberne, who was now Sr. Maria Pia in the Convent of the Visitation in Autun, France:

My dear Sister Pia,

I write on the 37th anniversary of the commencement of the Oxford Movement. I am quite well, thank you—I have not been so well for years, nay, I can't tell when. I have not written to you because I have had nothing to say, though I ought to have thanked you for your so kindly contriving to give me a claim on your community's prayers. Of course, as life goes on, or rather as death approaches, that is what one wants most, and after death also. Don't fancy all the vulgarities of the Tablet annoy me personally. First, I never see them; next, I had such a seasoning of the like when I was an Anglican that I am hardened against them; thirdly they do me good by disgusting people, who in consequence take my part. My "Grammar" (ed. An Essay in aid of a Grammar of Assent ) has been well spoken of generally. Fr. Harper is my friend, but he has a right to criticize the book, especially so far forth as it is not in coincidence with the Jesuit Traditions.

'I am very well, except when I move about. That tries me. Lately, in execution of long promises, I went from home from Monday to Saturday, visiting Mr. Church, my cousin Louisa Deane (whom I had not seen for 26 years), H. Wilberforce, and George Copeland; and was certainly not the better for it. George Copeland, who, as you must know, is utterly paralysed except in his head, which is as full of vigorous thought as ever, inquired much after you. I had never seen his daughters before. They are suffering from their Father's long illness. He showed me your first oil painting, which he praised very much.

This leads me to thank you, as I do sincerely, for the precious presents which you are sending me by Fr. M. I have given you (with some others) a Mass a week since January— Indeed have done the like for years.
Ever yrs affectly. in Xt.


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