Thursday, March 31, 2005

On March 31st, 1872...

it was Easter Day, and Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O., preached a sermon, of which the following notes survive:

Victory of Good over Evil

1. This day commemorates the victory of truth over falsehood, of good over evil, of Almighty God over Satan—quote Matt. xxviii. 1.

2. Not a recent event, the existence of evil—millions of ages ago, a revolt in heaven—rebel angels; thus Satan the god of this world. And the conflict began first in heaven—'Michael and his angels.' Then the devil was cast out, and came down to the earth. Then it went on to the greater conflict with the Son of God.

3. Wonderful there should have been such a conflict and such a victory.

4. (1) No evil without His permission. This is one wonder.

5. (2) Then when permitted, He might have destroyed it by a word; but He suffered it.

6. (3) He might have let it run its course, and die as a conflagration dies out.

7. (4) But He determined on a conflict and a victory.

8. (5) And a victory of apparent weakness over force.

9. This was His will, and since He chose this way, we believe it to be the best way.

10. This has been the character of the conflict ever since. There has been a conflict, and a victory of weakness over might. Martyrs.

11. Holy See.

12. Comfort of this time.

13. We do not know what is coming, but we do know that we shall conquer.


Blogger Ellyn said...

Beautiful.....and quite apt for the day!

10:43 AM  

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