Tuesday, November 04, 2003

The Feast of St. Charles Borromeo, Archbishop and Founder
is today. There is information on him here. If there are any Oblates of St. Charles reading out there, happy feast day !
As I have mentioned before, St. Charles and my own patron St. Philip Neri were friends. The biography Philip Neri: The Fire of Joy, by the late Fr. Paul Türks, C.O., actually has a chapter called "Charles Borromeo and the Oratory". Though they were good friends and each had a great regard for the other's holiness, they had some sharp disagreements- mostly because St. Charles, like any good bishop, tried to get some of the best priests and young men considering the priesthood to come to his Archdiocese of Milan. The conflict came because some of these men he was attempting to recruit were already part of the nascent Congregation of the Oratory. In an surviving, unsent draft of a letter, St. Philip somewhat jokingly called St. Charles ma ladra- a thief !


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